How to cleanse a tarot deck
At Blaspheme Boutique some of our tarot decks come from the suppliers wrapped in plastic while some do not. Some are open for in-store customers to review.
We recommend that you cleanse your tarot or oracle decks after purchase.
There are many ways to cleanse a tarot deck, but the most common methods are:
- Using sacred smoke. Light a smudge stick or palo santo and waft the smoke over the cards, being sure to get all sides of each card. You can also use incense or a smoke cleansing wand.
- Using crystals. Place a selenite stone, amethyst, or clear quartz on top of the deck for a few hours or overnight. The crystals will absorb any negative energy and cleanse the cards.
- Using sunlight. Place the cards in the sun for a few hours or until they are warm to the touch. The sunlight will recharge the cards and cleanse them of any negative energy.
- Using water. Place the cards in a bowl of water and let them soak for a few hours or overnight. The water will cleanse the cards of any negative energy.
- Using salt. Place the cards in a bowl of salt and let them sit for a few hours or overnight. The salt will absorb any negative energy and cleanse the cards.
- Using visualization. Hold the cards in your hands and visualize a white light surrounding them. This will cleanse the cards of any negative energy.
Which method you choose is up to you. Some people prefer to use smoke, while others prefer to use crystals or water. There is no right or wrong way to cleanse a tarot deck, so experiment until you find a method that works for you.
Here are some additional tips for cleansing a tarot deck:
- Cleanse your deck regularly. If you use your deck often, it's a good idea to cleanse it every few weeks or months. This will help to keep the cards accurate and prevent them from becoming saturated with negative energy.
- Cleanse your deck after a reading. If you've just done a reading for someone, it's a good idea to cleanse the deck afterwards. This will help to clear away any residual energy from the reading and prevent it from affecting your future readings.
- Cleanse your deck before a reading. If you're about to do a reading, it's a good idea to cleanse the deck first. This will help to clear away any negative energy that may be present and ensure that your reading is accurate.
At Blaspheme Boutique we offer palo santo, herbal smudges, incense, cleansing sprays and more to assist in your cleansing process.