Occulture Faire Las Vegas September 10th, 2022

Occulture Faire Las Vegas September 10th, 2022

The Occulture Faire will be held September 10th 2022 at Taverna Costera in Downtown Las Vegas.

We are planning a wonderful night of:

  • Educational info on local occult groups/organizations
    • Speakers:
    • Travis McHenry 
    • Inner Circle Sanctuary: 
      For a quarter of a century, Inner Circle Sanctuary has practiced our brand of Eclectic Traditional oath-bound, initiatory Wicca and taught it to the public* regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, political orientation, health, and class. We see more similarities than separation among people, and transform our differences into strength.
      One of our founding mottos is “Everyone has a right to the Goddess.” Even YOU.
    • Erin LaleErin Lale is the author of Asatru for Beginners (on which this book is based) and other books. She has been a gythia, that is, a priestess of Asatru, since 1989. She published Berserkrgangr Magazine, reviews books for Eternal Haunted Summer Magazine, manages the Asatru Facebook Forum, and writes the Pagansquare blog “Gnosis Diary: Life as a Heathen.”
  • Psychic, astrology and tarot readings
  • Metaphyscial Vendors & More!
  • Email us if you have questions at blasphemeboutique@gmail.com

Sponsored by: Blaspheme Boutique

Sin City Satanic Revival 

Sin City Satanic Revival is a loose knit but aggressively inclusive community with an anti-authoritarian, DIY Punk Rock ethos and an emphasis on getting shit done for ourselves and our community. We began as a side project for local performers putting the sin back in the city  but almost immediately found a vibrant audience that had been looking for an experience like ours. Now, coming out of COVID, we are looking to build back bigger and better as a safe community for the lost and the strange, artists and dreamers.




Now available: T-shirts & Totes

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